Modern day comparison: Cinderella
- Upward class movement: juxtaposition of lower class men who are amiable and caring to upper class men (Elliots) who are vain and arrogant
- Beauty: Anne versus Elizabeth
- Pride
- Assumptions that lead to pain or embarrassment
- Persuasion v autonomy
- Confusion is huge throughout the novel; Wentworth and Anne are confused regarding each other; Elliot trying to win Anne; internal struggle, too
- Humor: Mary and Sir Walter are hugely funny; they are foil to the complicated arena of Wentworth and Anne, and they serve many similar functions as the comedic foils in Shakespearean plays
- Suppressed emotions
Austen in context:
- Women in this period are supposed to be fragile; they can't express anger, but boys can express anger if it is in a directed arena; they are considered weak
- Passionate and intense feeling are only acceptable if they serve the family=family unity is extremely important, as Anne proves through her fidelity to her family's happiness
- Within novels, emotions are never really conquered because there would be no rebellion and no room for growth
- The healthy way for a young man to focus his anger was through politics or work; Wentworth proves this by immersing himself in the navy
- 3 most threatening emotions: anger, fear, and jealously. Anne experiences some of these, but she doesn't allow them to rule her, making her the picture of emotional perfection in the Victorian Era.
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